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    Symphony D48 MTK 6253 Flash File 100% tested

    Symphony D48 Flash File free Download. Any mobile Flsh file easy download Method.
    Exactly tested. Download and flash boldly.
    Symphony D48 Firmware DOWNLOAD Here Working 100% . Upload By Abdullah Al Masud -Modern Technology.
    Symphony D48 Flash File I've uploaded.  Uploaded to Google Play Store.
    Symphony D48 Flash File 100% Tested. GSM NOTE will be enough helpful for mobile repairs.
    Symphony D48 Flash File 100% Tested.

    File Info

    File Name            :  Symphony D48 Flash File
    Type CPU            :  MTK 6253   
    File Formet          : (bin)  RAR
    File Size               :  8 MB (rar 7.08 MB)
    Read By               : Miracle box
    Checking By        : Modern Technology- Abdullah Al Masud
    Confirmation        : 100%
    Tested                   : 100%

     It is sensing the pinout fast,please hold on the phone Power key
     RXD=3  TXD=4
     Connecting...Please hold on the POWER key until the red gauge is going...
     Any errors please select another boot and try again.
     BB:6253,    HardwareVer:8A00,    SoftwareVer:8A04
     Loading boot...
     INT_SYSRAM_BOOT test completed.
     Loading boot...
     Boot2 test completed.
     Nor Flash ID: 00EC225400000000
     Nand Flash ID: 0000000000000000
     Read Hardware Information is done.
     Config EMI(Nor Flash only)...
     H/W detection ok.
     Get Project ID from phone...
     Project ID: L56VH04.
     Changing baudrate to 921600...
     Reading full Flash...
     Saved file to:
     All Done.

    OR (একই ফাইল বিকল্প লিংক)